Antimicrobial Agents for Virus Preservation Solution - NeoCide PC-8020 & BND-10 Antimicrobial Agents
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Antimicrobial Agents for Virus Preservation Solution - NeoCide PC-8020 & BND-10 Antimicrobial Agents

Views: 7     Author: Genemill     Publish Time: 2024-02-23      Origin: Site

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Antimicrobial Agents for Virus Preservation Solution - NeoCide PC-8020 & BND-10 Antimicrobial Agents

Suzhou Genemill Biotechnology Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer specializing in the production of antimicrobial agents for in vitro diagnostic reagents. The company has been committed to solving the problems associated with the use of antimicrobial agents in in vitro diagnostic reagents. For virus preservation solutions, the company has introduced a cost-effective and highly effective antimicrobial agent formula: 0.3% NeoCide PC-8020 antimicrobial agent + 0.1% NeoCide BND-10 antimicrobial agent. This formula can effectively control contaminants and protect nucleic acids, including fragments. It has low cost and can be used in both sterilized and non-sterilized process formulations.

NeoCide@ PC-8020 antimicrobial agent is specifically designed as an antimicrobial agent for in vitro diagnostic reagents (IVD). It is mainly used as a preservative in Flow Sheath Fluid for flow cytometers, urine sediment analysis sheath fluid, and qPCR sheath fluid. It is a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent with a polyol compound formula that is effective against both bacteria and fungi. It is intended for use in various reagents, quality control materials, calibration standards, diluents, cleaning solutions, and buffers.

Neoide@ BND-10 antimicrobial agent mainly consists of a 10% solution of 5-Bromo-5-Nitro-1,3-Dioxane in propylene glycol. The product is a colorless or pale yellow transparent liquid with a distinct bromine odor. It is an efficient antimicrobial agent used in clinical blood cell analysis, biochemical analysis, and immunological analysis reagents. It can be used in various reagents, quality control materials, calibration standards, diluents, cleaning solutions, and buffers. Due to its wide-ranging inhibition of microbial growth, excellent compatibility and stability, low toxicity, and biodegradability, NeoCide@ BND-10 antimicrobial agent is an ideal alternative to traditional antimicrobial agents such as sodium azide (flammable, explosive, highly toxic), thimerosal (mercury-containing organic compound), and gentamicin (prone to resistance). NeoCide@ BND-10 antimicrobial agent can inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and yeast, thereby extending the shelf life and bottle-open duration of diagnostic reagents. Its good water solubility allows for widespread application in in vitro diagnostic reagents. It is worth noting that NeoCide@ BND-10 antimicrobial agent does not affect the activity of most enzymes, antibody binding in the reaction system, or the change in absorbance of indicator substances. Its absorption peak is around 214nm.

Specialized in developing, producing, and selling raw materials for IVD reagents.
    Address:NO.272 Fengli Street SIP Suzhou City Jiangsu Province China




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